Spaceweather Group


MSc and BSc Theses
We welcome students from the University of Bern who are interested in doing a BSc or MSc thesis with us.

Potential topics for theses can be found here: BSc, MSc. Other topics are available upon request. Please contact Prof. Kleint.

PhD theses
PhD positions can open at any time during the year, depending on the funding we receive. Calls for applications for open positions are posted on this website and on various job sites (e.g. EAS, University of Bern). Currently, no open PhD positions are available.

Currently, there is one open position (see below).

Candidates interested to carry out their own research projects related to space weather by applying for SNSF Postdoc Fellowships (max. 8 years after PhD), SNSF Ambizione (max. 4 years after PhD), or SNSF Starting Grants (2-8 years after PhD) are welcome to contact Prof. Kleint at least 2 months before the respective deadlines to discuss potential options.

20.12.2024 Open position: one Postdoc position at the University of Bern
The Space Weather group of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB) is inviting applications for a PhD student to work on code optimization for CPU and GPU calculations on HPC systems

The University of Bern hosts many domains of astronomy. The successful candidate will work in the space weather group, which focuses on understanding the physics of the Sun with machine learning and build-ing astronomical instrumentation.

Efficient algorithms are critical considering our large data volume (Terabytes). Our applications range from machine learning, image reconstruction, to codes that simulate the physical conditions in the solar atmos-phere. The goal of this position is to research code optimizations, both for CPU (MPI) and GPU calcula-tions. The successful candidate will collaborate with the space weather group members to optimize vari-ous codes on the university's HPC system Ubelix and improve their stability and speed. Depending on the candidate's research focus, this may also include the optimization of the local server setup and the com-puting environment and collaboration on CSCS proposals.

More details about the position and the application procedure can be found in the linked document:

Postdoc position

The selection of candidates will start after January 20, 2025 and continue until the position is filled. The starting date is in spring 2025, upon mutual agreement. For questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Lucia Kleint (email