Spaceweather Group


Astronomie I
Our group is responsible for the Astronomie I lecture, held in German, which is a general introduction to astronomy for (mainly) 1st semester students.

The content includes:
  • Kapitel 1: Geschichte der Astronomie
  • Kapitel 2: Unser Sonnensystem
  • Kapitel 3: Die Sonne
  • Kapitel 4: Space Weather
  • Kapitel 5: Spektroskopie, Strahlungstransport
  • Kapitel 6: Gravitationswellen, Interferometrie
  • Kapitel 7: Sternatmosphären
  • Kapitel 8: Sterne und ihre Entwicklung
  • Kapitel 9: Teleskope und Beobachtungen
The lecture includes exercises of building a telescope, visiting an inflatable planetarium, and fabricating star charts.

Modeling Techniques in Physics
The Modeling Techniques in Physics lecture is held during the 5th semester. It consists of 4 parts: ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations, Monte Carlo simulations and machine learning. Our group is responsible for the machine learning part.

The content includes:
  • Introduction to ML, Unsupervised techniques
  • Clustering, k-means, PCA, outlier detection
  • Supervised techniques
  • Linear and logistic regression, regularization
  • k nearest neighbors, SVM
  • Perceptron, neural networks
  • Optimization (gradient descent, backpropagation)
  • Binary classification - multiclass classification
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Encoder, VAE, GAN, ChatGPT
The lecture includes programming exercises. Interested students are welcome to deepen their knowledge in MSc theses.